These 10 Superb Tips Will Definitely Make Your Macbook Run Faster

By Raman Sharma


Make Macbook Faster

It takes some time before this happens, but Macbooks, like any other computer, will slow down after a while. Some users tend to panic when they see this happening and start to think that the only solution would be simply purchasing a new computer.

While that would certainly solve the problem, there are plenty of methods that can salvage the performance without the need to spend money on a completely new Macbook.

This article will give you a rundown on the matter. Once you are finished reading it, do not hesitate and try all the methods mentioned here. You will immediately notice how big of a difference it makes.

1. Delete Useless Applications

There is no need to keep applications you no longer use. Look at your list and see when was the last time you actually launched some of them. If it was a couple of months or more, do not hesitate and press the delete button. After all, you can always download the app again in case you need it in the future.

2. Free Up Drive Space

Drive Space

Freeing up drive space by any means helps a ton. There are quite a few instances where files accumulate without you even noticing them.

Another alternative to freeing up this space would be moving it to cloud-based services, such as Dropbox or iCloud. The latter comes with 5 gigabytes of data, and you can upgrade the plan for as little as one dollar every month.

3. Use Monolingual

Monolingual is a free application that deals with language files you most certainly do not need. Quite a few apps come with as many as 50 different languages, and it is natural that this data requires space. Run Monolingual and the problem will be solved.

4. Buying an SSD

A solid-state drive does wonders and as soon as you replace your current HDD with it, you will regret not making this purchase earlier. Since there are plenty of new releases of SSD every year, you can expect to find a great option at a relatively low price.

5. Get Rid of Memory Hoggers

Some apps and processes running in the background hog all the resources without doing anything useful. Activity Monitor is the go-to place to see which of these are the biggest offenders.

Killing everything is obviously not an option, and you will need to find a way to solve the issue at hand. For starters, shut off whatever is completely useless. Then, try to look for alternatives that do not consume that much. The more time you spend figuring this out, the better off you will be.

6. Make Internet Browsers Faster

Internet Browsers

Internet browsers are trickier than they may appear on the surface level. First of all, you need to look at the cache, and if it has too much stuff in it, clear it. Tabs you are not using should also be closed as it will help with energy-saving as well.

Another big problem that some fail to notice is the number of extensions and plugins that they install. A cluttered web browser will obviously not perform optimally, and all the problems stem from overloading it with useless junk, which, in this case, are plugins and extensions.

7. Maintain a Clean Desktop

Some may have a tendency to put every icon on the desktop, but this kind of behavior should never be encouraged. It is terrible to see a desktop littered with icons all over it. Not only does this label a user as a messy person, but it also reduces the overall performance of the Macbook.

The solution is quite clear – clearing the desktop and at the very least organizing everything in folders. Even if it may seem out of your comfort zone, look to overcome the problem and make things easier for both you and the computer.

8. Adding RAM

Adding More RAM

Older computers definitely suffer since they lack the necessary memory to really make things smooth. Therefore it is natural that more and more individuals are looking to add extra RAM and turn things in their favor.

9. Regular Restarts

It helps a lot when you are restarting a computer regularly as well. Even if may seem like a waste of time, allowing it to take a breather and start a new one is never a bad thing.

10. Reinstalling the OS

Speaking of fresh starts, you could always look to reinstall the OS and get rid of all the junk that has accumulated in that time between your last reinstallation and the present. But be sure to backup your most important files.

So to sum it all up, it should be quite obvious that you can make the situation bearable or even great by making some changes in your computer-using habits as well as putting in some extra work.

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