With the availability of high-speed internet connections, Google’s accelerated search speed for outputs, and varied user-friendly interfaces, it has become possible to dive into the vast ocean of information and find answers to just about any query that strikes your mind.
Some clicks here and a few clicks there, and you stumble upon oodles of data, both relevant and unfitting. The only need is to filter relevant, authentic, and usable information, therefore you can get the best of what the internet has to offer.
Here are 8 very useful internet browsing tips that will help improve your search skills and deliver results specific and relevant to your queries.
#1. Access Restricted Data in a Securely
Browsing on the internet frequently leads you to sites and webpages that are blocked by the Internet Service Providers, making you feel like you hit a dead-end in your quest.
By using Virtual Private Network (VPN) one can gain secure and anonymous access to these restricted sites. Cyberghost free VPN and Proxy is one such software that allows access to geo-restricted content while being anonymous.
#2. Be Specific and Refined
Start the search right, by providing the exact input for which the results are sought. Too vague and generic statements searched can throw up a lot of unrelated and useless data.
For example, if you are looking to buy a specific car within a certain budget, typing only “cars” can lead to a whole lot of information that may not serve your purpose.
Refining your search and providing clearer inputs in the browser will display specific and relevant content. Taking the same example used above, typing “SUV cars with sunroof in the US within $20000” is a far more specific input and is likely to lead you to actionable results.
#3. Authenticity of the Information
With large amounts of data available, it often becomes difficult to distinguish between relevant and authentic data and irrelevant data.
When browsing for government websites, university websites or other similar reliable sources check for the domain name ending either with .org, .edu, .net, and so on.
Steer clear from sources that have no authors, are updated, or are primarily based on the author’s opinion (unless that is exactly what you are looking for).
#4. Use Multiple Tabs & Different Search Engines
Using multiple tabs within the browser makes it convenient to shuttle between different webpages making the search exercise more convenient and simplified.
Similarly, making use of different search engines allows access to different sorts of information sources, providing more options to decide upon.
So if you are fretting about Google’s fickle algorithm game or unnerved by its all-pervasive tab on your life and interests, don’t hesitate to browse through alternative search engines like Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Quora, and more.
#5. Use of Quotation Marks
A smart way of reducing the time taken to hit a search result is to use quotation marks; doing this helps the browser look for exact phrases on its server because it now understands the context of your search better.
#6. Bookmarking the Searches
While browsing on the internet, there are numerous pages, content, and information that we come across which we think might be useful in the future.
In order to avoid starting the search all over again, it is more convenient to bookmark the page. Using the bookmark feature allows to systematically categorize our searches and save it for later use.
#7. Make Use of the Auto Complete Feature
Ever noticed when you type in something in Google’s search bar, it throws up numerous options related to the term entered?
For instance, when you type in “how to create”, Google displays a host of possible options below such as “how to create a website”, “how to create an app” or there many different options.
These are essentially search engine prompts and are frequently the most searched queries; clicking on any of those (depending on your query, of course) can take you to the most viewed, popular posts on the same.
With these posts ranking high in Google’s search engine index, you can be certain they are relevant and contain high-quality information pertaining to your query.
#8. Use Browser Shortcuts
You can make use of a host of browser shortcuts to smarten up the search process – be it moving from one tab to the other or opening a homepage, and more.
Hope these tips will help make your next internet search routine easier and more fun than ever before. Do let us know about this post via comments and share your thoughts.