11 Tips to Increase Power Bank Capacity and Battery Life

By Raman Sharma


Powerbank capacity

When you buy a new power bank to get an additional power backup, you want it to be durable in most cases. But sometimes, we get multiple problems in the power bank in a while. It is painful for mobile geeks, but they can use clever tricks to increase power bank capacity.

No matter which company’s power bank you are taking with you. After a while, it starts creating issues in charging and reduces the capacity. This article will help you understand how you can enhance the capacity and battery life of your power bank.

So, without discussing more, let’s start our journey in managing a power bank’s life.

1. Do Not Overcharge Your Powerbank

Overcharging is a significant reason most users lose their power banks. When you start charging your power bank, don’t charge it beyond 80%. Also, avoid charging beyond 50% when you don’t use your power bank often.

The process will improve the power bank capacity and give it a good life. The energy stored in the power bank will not be wasted when you maintain the power.

If you want to enhance the power bank capacity, charge it with 90% and let it be discharged completely. You can apply this process monthly, improving the power bank’s ability to store the charge.

2. Avoid Putting Your Power Bank In Pocket

Power Banks are sensitive to metallic companies, and minor metals can affect their efficiency. The metallic items can short the power bank’s output and affect the entire power bank.

Do not keep your power bank in a case that contains small metallic pieces. It would be the best care for your power bank, which will work as a durability agent. Bags and Pockets have metallic elements that are sufficient to affect the entire power bank.

3. Use The Power Bank Continuously

Power banks need regular testing, and you need to use your power bank often. If you use your power bank regularly, its battery life will enhance with time. Putting the power bank ideal for a long time directly affects the battery.

Also, you might face some issues in your power bank, where its backup can go beneath its minimum capacity. It would be perfect if you use a power bank regularly, so you can get durability while using it.

It will enhance your power bank’s capacity and give it a great life in managing mobile phones.

4. Use A High-Quality USB Cable

Using a cheap-quality USB cable for your power bank will affect both the mobile and the power backup device. Make sure to check the cable’s quality before you start charging from it. Also, you can choose the short-length branded USB cable, which will give a good battery life to the power bank.

Short-length cables don’t utilize more current and enhance the power bank capacity to charge the devices. Ideally, you can take a 6 to 12-inch cable from a trusted brand, which will maintain the power bank’s life.

5. Don’t Use Quick Charge Regularly

People from the 21st century cannot wait for a long period. It applies to all the aspects where we want our phone to be charged in the quickest span. To get the battery fast, people go with the quick charge feature that their phone contains. It utilizes the power bank’s battery and increases the temperature.

The same procedure can reduce the life span of your power bank and affect your phone too. The quick charge works as a stress on the power bank’s batteries and reduces their efficiency. Make sure to give time to your power bank while charging the devices.

6. Check The Temperature While Charging The Power Bank

Temperature is crucial in maintaining the power bank’s battery. When you put your power bank on a charge, make sure to consider the surrounding temperature. The temperature must not go beneath 5 degrees and not pass 40 degrees in the surroundings.

It will maintain the power bank’s life and improve its charging capability. Also, don’t forget to disconnect the charger when your power bank is ultimately charged. It will maintain the temperature of the batteries and provide them with a great life.

Read Also: How to Check if Mi Power Bank is Original

7. Do Not Use The Power Bank While Charging

Most of the time, people start charging their devices by putting the power bank on charge. It is the worst thing you are doing with your power bank because it generates more heat while charging.

It is the reason for massive stress on the battery, which depletes the life force of your power bank. Avoid charging your smartphone while charging the power bank to improve its life.

8. Limit Charging Current

Most branded power banks support a 2 Ampere charging current. When you enhance the current, it directly affects the batteries in the power bank. If your power bank comes with a low-current charging mode, you must follow it and provide a limited current.

Currently below 2A will not put an extra load on the PCB, and the battery will charge quietly. It will improve the power capacity of your power bank and strengthen its potential to prolong its life.

9. Avoid Dropping Your Power Bank

With the metallic finish in every power bank, users accidentally lose control, and the power bank falls on the floor. Dropping affects the PCB and other spares in it and causes enormous damage.

Dropping can exponentially affect the charging capacity of your power bank. Sometimes falling from a specific angle can cause permanent damage to your power bank. Make sure to maintain the power bank safely to enhance durability.

10. Clean Your Power Bank Often

When dirt accommodates the power bank, it can create a short circuit due to minimal metallic elements. Cleaning your power bank can build a shield to enhance its capacity. Especially the USB ports need regular cleaning because it can hamper the charging efficiency due to dirt.

Use a simple cotton cloth to clean your power bank, and avoid fancy cleaners. Cleaners can oxidize the metal present in the power bank, which will lead to permanent damage.

11. Keep Powerbank in a Cool Surrounding

Electronic items are sensitive to heat, which creates multiple issues in the PCB. When you buy a power bank, make sure to provide it a ventilated surroundings and a cooler place. Coldness is crucial for your power bank for its durability.

Heat affects the current and resistance in the power bank, which leads it to permanent damage. Provide a climate between 20-30 degrees to your power bank that will work to enhance its efficiency.

Final Thoughts

With the fast-moving world, we need some additional backup for our devices. A power bank is crucial for every mobile user to get mobility in power backup. Most people use the power bank but don’t give proper care to it.

It is crucial to understand the methods of increasing the power bank’s battery life and enhance the capacity. Power banks are also sensitive towards different things, which affects their efficiency. If you maintain your power bank effectively, you can get a durable power backup device in your collection.

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