How To Check What Version of WordPress I’m Using

By Raman Sharma


Can’t you check out what version of WordPress you’re using? So, here’s the solution to that. I’ve two very simple ways to figure out your latest WordPress version.

So, for any purpose, if you’re searching for your current WordPress version, then you can check it out very simply without doing anything special. It means you just need to visit your WordPress admin panel and that’s all, you will find your WordPress version simply on your WordPress dashboard without doing anything. Now, I will tell you how.

How To Check What Version of WordPress I’m Using?

To check what version of WordPress you’re using, I’ve 2 simple methods. One method is suitable for new WordPress versions and the other one works for every version of WordPress.

Method #1: For New WordPress Versions Specially

If you regularly update WordPress and still forget what version you’re using right now, then this method is helpful for you. However, the second method will also work for new versions.

So, to check what WordPress version I’m using, you have to follow these simple steps:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Now, look for the ‘At a Glance’ portion in your WordPress dashboard.

Check WordPress version

  • Found? Yes, as in the above image, you’ll find the WordPress version that you’re using.

Method #2: Applicable For Every (Old/New) Version

This method works in every WordPress version to find out what WordPress version that you’re using. So, to check which version is running on your WordPress, you’ve to follow these simple and quick steps:

  • As the same as the above first step, log in to your WordPress dashboard account.
  • Now, scroll the page to the bottom and look for a version of your WordPress on either the left or right side.

Check wordpress version

That’s all, with the help of any of these two methods you can easily check out what version of WordPress you’re using. Share this short trick on your social profiles to reach other new webmasters.

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