How to Convert PDFs to Word Documents and Image Files?

By Raman Sharma


What’s the most important part of converting PDFs to Word Documents and Image files? You probably think it’s the file format, but it’s not — it’s how you convert them!

The trick lies in using the right tool, which can be found through these ways to convert PDFs to Image Files and Word Documents.

Using Microsoft

The Office Suites of programs, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, all have built-in functionality that allows you to convert PDFs into editable formats. Here’s how to get started with these simple steps.

  1. Open a word document or create a new one using Word if it isn’t already open.
  2. Select File from Word, and then select Open.
  3. Please select where your pdf is saved on your computer (typically in your Downloads folder) and click open.
  4. Select format as Word Document
  5. Click OK
  6. Click File>Save As>Save As Type: Word Document and save the File by name in the same location where the original pdf was located.
  7. Close Word Document
  8. Select File> Print to make sure your converted file looks correct before saving (you can also choose to go back and change any options before converting with step #4)
  9. Go back to file> Save As, make sure format is still set as Word Document and save the file back into the original directory.
  10. Close Word document
  11. Repeat the process for any other PDF documents you want to convert!

Using Google Doc

Open a new Google Doc (or click on an existing one) within your account. Click on File, select Create > PDF file. Selecting a PDF file will save your file to Google Drive. For Mac users, you’ll be asked where you want to save it and how you want it formatted.

You can also copy and paste from another browser tab if you already have that file open or saved as a PDF. To ensure there aren’t any formatting errors when converting a document, highlight all of its contents before selecting create PDF.

Google Drive will automatically convert it into an editable word document for free. If you need to add more pages or don’t want it to be in a word doc format, select create original format and choose which page layout you prefer: US letter size, international A4 size, or legal size.


OpenOffice is a free download that converts your documents into editable formats. One of its features is Convert File Format, which lets you change your document’s file format without changing its content or the overall formatting.

Click File, then click Open. Select your document, and then click Open. It will bring up OpenOffice Writer; choose Tools > Export Wizard.

Check convert file format, then click Next. Choose Word 97-2003 document, Word 2007 document, or HTML. Once you make your selection, click next.

Once you’ve done that, click finish. Repeat these procedures if you want to export an image version of your PDF file.


If you are looking for a simple way to convert your pdf file into word documents or image files, here are the steps to convert pdf into word documents and images like using Smallpdf. It’s easy!

Install a free copy of Smallpdf (scroll to the bottom of the page). Then, click the Browse button on the top-left corner and select Add File (browse for) button on the top-right corner of the Import screen.

Locate the original PDF file you want to convert—select Word document output type or image output type at the left side navigation bar under the Output Settings tab.

Then click the UPLOAD button on the bottom right-hand corner. Now, wait till it is converted. Depending on the option, you can now download your converted file either in Word format or Image format.

Downloading is free if you only need a one-time conversion, but we recommend getting a paid account if you need to make recurrent conversions.


Lightpdf is a web service that allows you to convert PDF documents into editable documents DOCX, PPTX, RTF or Image files. So, when all you have is a PDF file, but you need an editable text file or an image for design purposes or backup purposes, Lightpdf can help.

Here are the steps for using Lightpdf to convert pdf into word documents:

  • Upload a PDF File
  • Select DOCX (Microsoft Word 2007/2010), PPTX (PowerPoint 2007/2010), RTF (Rich Text Format) or JPG/PNG/GIF Types
  • Get your converted files.

The site will email you with links to download your converted files and store them on their servers if desired. You get access to this software free of charge for up to 7 days after signup.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe’s free conversion software can convert just about any File. You can also install Adobe Acrobat on your desktop, so you’ll have access whenever you need it.

Be sure that when you download or install Acrobat, you choose a version compatible with your operating system (Mac OS X, Windows, etc.).

  1. Open your document in Adobe Reader by clicking File> Open.
  2. Select OK when Adobe Reader asks whether you want to edit the PDF after opening it.
  3. Click File > Save As.
  4. Select an option under Save as Types such as Microsoft Word Document or Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet in the Save As window.
  5. When prompted by Adobe Reader whether you want to create a copy of your original file, click OK.
  6. Choose where to save your converted file and click Save.


Ultimately, converting your PDF file into a Word Doc or an image file is an efficient solution for distributing documents. Converting these documents eliminates all possible errors involved with other methods of distribution.

In addition, it ensures that a clear, legible version of your document is presented in a format easily read by most devices.

Yes! It’s easy to convert a PDF into a doc or image file. All you have to do is follow any of the steps we’ve provided in this guide. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.

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