What is a Rotating Residential IP Proxy? How Does it Work?

By Raman Sharma


What is a Rotating Residential IP Proxy? First of all, don’t get confused with this typical term. It’s not as difficult as its word sounds. It is a very simple thing related to IP address and proxy server. Don’t make your mind puzzled, I will explain in very simple words what is this Rotating Residential IP Proxy. So, just keep reading the article till the end.

Before we deep dive into the term Rotating Residential IP Proxy, you should know about the proxy server and residential IP address. I will take you to the topic explaining all these terms in the article. In this order, first, I will tell you about the residential IP address.

Residential IP Address

All of you already know about the IP address, which is a number code for every internet browsing system, whether it is a phone or a computer. A residential IP address is something like that but it is not for any device, it is registered for a residential address of a person. Notably, a Residential IP address shows a particular location, not a device name or address.

Proxy Server

Maybe, most of you guys don’t hear the term ever. But, probably, you all know what the proxy is. Okay, just tell me one thing. Have you got your attendance registered by someone else in your office or school? That is a proxy. When someone hides the original ID and acts like anyone else, that’s called proxy.

Great! Now it is easy for you to understand the proxy server. So, what is the proxy server? It works as the middleman between the Internet user and targeted websites. By interfering between the Internet user and the website, the proxy server hides the original IP address of the user and presents a fake IP address to the website. Internet users use proxy servers for numerous reasons – to hide their IP address from the website, to safe browsing, to reach banned websites, etc.

Now, you may be thinking it is the same as a VPN. Let me tell you that the proxy server is different from a VPN. The major difference between proxy server and a VPN is, a proxy server is usable for any particular browser like Chrome and Firefox, but VPN works for the whole device.

If you set up a proxy server on your Internet browser, it will only protect your browser searching. There will be zero impact on the other applications on your device. And, if you install a VPN on your device, it will work on all the applications and browsers on your device.

Rotating IP Proxy

When you use a normal IP proxy server, it will assign a proxy IP address for your original IP address. Every time when you use the normal Proxy Server, it will show the same fake IP address to the targeted website. But, it does not happen in the case of Rotating IP Proxy.

As the word ‘rotating’ shows, it is something related to changing every time. Rotating IP Proxy picks a new IP address every single time when you browse anything. Everytime, it will present a new IP address. The Rotating IP Proxy makes sure complete security whenever you browse.

Hopefully, you have understood very well the terms residential IP address and proxy servers. Now, in order to understand the Rotating Residential IP Proxy, we will discuss Residential IP Proxy and then will elaborate on the complete term Rotating Residential IP Proxy.

Residential IP Proxy

Now you know that the job of a proxy server is to hide the real IP address and show another fake IP address to the websites. Likewise, the Residential Proxy will show the address of another identical location instead of the original one.

As it is about the residential IP address, it is not that easy to show any fake address because the address should look like an original one. Unlike infinite devices, residential IP addresses are not unlimited.

What Is A Rotating Residential IP Proxy?

If you are here after acknowledging the above-mentioned terms, you probably understood the Rotating Residential IP Proxy. But for your convenience, I will define it.

Rotating Residential IP Proxy changes your residential IP address every time you visit any website through your browser. Once the proxy address is used, it will never be in use again. It means your targeted website will get a new fake residential IP address of your location wherever you will visit the website.

How Does A Rotating Residential IP Proxy Work?

Proxy IP servers have a pool of proxy IP addresses from where they pick a fake IP address. When you use a Rotating Residential IP Proxy and visit any website, the Proxy Server database will save your residential IP address and will replace it with a new fake IP address that will visit the targeted website. The website recognizes it as a real IP address and gives the asked information.

In the same way, A rotating proxy establishes new connections by assigning new IP addresses to each new connection request. The host’s server will rotate each request every time, assigning a new IP address with each connection.

Why Do People Use Rotating Residential IP Proxy?

From entertainment to security and investigation, people use Rotating Residential IP Proxies for numerous reasons. Below are some of the main reasons.

  • A lot of people use Rotating Residential IP Proxy just out of curiosity.
  • People use the service to hide their residential IP addresses.
  • To reach out to the banned website in a particular area, people use IP Proxy Servers.
  • Fast browsing is one of the main reasons why people use this service.
  • Using the proxy server provides more bandwidth. So, many companies also use it.
  • Some websites don’t provide the services in marked areas, with a proxy IP address, users can avail the content of these websites.

Author’s View

A proxy server is a productive tool that will allow you to access not-reachable websites. Widely, you can use the proxy IP address if your intentions are entertainment, research, and other non-harmful activity. Many Internet users use proxy IP addresses to reach government-restricted websites, which is a wrong practice. That’s the reason why many proxy servers are banned regularly. So, constructively use the proxy servers.

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