How to Remove Your Mobile Number Details from Truecaller Database

By Raman Sharma


Truecaller is undoubtedly the well-known and popular app that tells you the contact details of any unknown person calling you. The exciting thing about this app is that it not only collects the contact details from its users but also crowdsources the address books of all its users.

That’s why don’t get shocked if your contact details are available on Truecaller even when you never used them. Not only this, but Truecaller also collects the details of landline callers!

So, if you don’t want any unknown person to know about your personal details just via your mobile number, you need to remove your number from Truecaller’s database.

But, remember that you can’t remove your mobile from the Truecaller database if you’re using its app. So, the very first thing you need to do is deactivate your own Truecaller account (if you have one) and uninstall the app. It means, you also won’t be able to see any unknown number’s contact details after deactivating your account.

MUST-READ: How to Hide Your Number While Calling Someone

Deactivating the Truecaller Account — Steps

However, most of you would definitely know how to uninstall/remove any app from your smartphone. Right? But, before uninstalling the app, you should deactivate your account. Following are the steps to be taken for deactivating your Truecaller account in different mobile operating systems.

For Android:

  • Open the app and tap the people icon in the upper left corner.
  • Now navigate to Settings » About » Deactivate Account.

For iPhone Users:

  • Open the app and tap the gear icon in the top right corner.
  • And then navigate to About Truecaller » Scroll down » Deactivate Truecaller.

For Windows Phone:

  • Open the app and tap the three dots in the bottom right corner.
  • Navigate to Settings » Help » Deactivate account.

So, whether you’re using an Android phone, iPhone, or Windows phone, by going through the above steps you will be able to deactivate your Truecaller account.

It’s not over as I already told you that Truecaller keeps your personal details even when you’re not using it. So, once you’ve deactivated your Truecaller account (if you had one), you can go through the process of removing your number from its database.

Remove Your Number from the Truecaller Database

To remove your number details from the Truecaller database, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Unlist page of Truecaller.
  • Enter your phone number with your country code. For example: +919999999999, where +91 is your country (for India) code.
  • Verify that you’re not a robot bypassing the captcha verification.
  • And, finally, click Unlist button.
Truecaller unlist

That’s all about removing your number from the Truecaller database. However, Truecaller takes up to 24 hours to remove the number details from its server after receiving the unlist request, but it doesn’t always mean that your number is removed from its database forever.

Yes, this is because it’s possible that Truecaller again obtains your number details from any of its user’s address books where your contact details are saved in.

So, you should keep checking with the Truecaller users whether they see your number details or not. If they don’t, you’re still not listed in Truecaller’s database. But if they’re able to see your number details, you can always ask Truecaller to unlist your number from its database, as described above.

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