WhatsApp is my favorite instant messaging platform that I use for my personal as well as business needs. Its security and privacy features are just great. And this is why it’s becoming popular all over the world every new day. But, due to the fact that WhatsApp takes users’ privacy very seriously, it becomes difficult for people to understand what actually happens after reporting and blocking someone or being blocked by someone on WhatsApp.
If someone is harassing, threatening, or bothering you or you just don’t wanna stay in touch with someone over WhatsApp, Report and Block are two features available on WhatsApp to help you. But, most of the time it becomes difficult to decide whether to report or just block that person.
So, if you’re also confused about this report and block feature and not sure what happens if you report and block someone on WhatsApp, this article is gonna help you.
What Happens if You Report Someone on WhatsApp?
There might be many reasons for using the Report feature on WhatsApp. Not only just to report a contact or group, but you can use the Report feature to report a bug or issue in WhatsApp. But, when you’re going to report a contact or group, there might be a question in your mind that how WhatsApp takes action against the report and what will be the result of your report. Let me tell you what actually happens if you report someone on WhatsApp.
Reporting someone on WhatsApp is quite easy. Normally, if you receive a message from an unknown number for the first time, you’ll get the option to report that contact directly inside the chat. Or if you wanna report a contact or group, you can simply open the chat, tap on the contact or group name to open their profile information, scroll to the bottom, and tap Report contact or Report group. It’s that simple.
Let’s come to the point. When you report someone, WhatsApp receives the most recent messages sent to you by the reported user or group, as well as your other interactions with the reported user like voice or video calls.
WhatsApp uses this information to verify the report and take action. Now, you would be thinking about what kind of action WhatsApp takes after verifying the report. Let me tell you.
If WhatsApp finds that the reported user’s account activity in violation of their terms of service, they keep right to ban that user without giving any notification.
What Happens if You Block Someone on WhatsApp?
Blocking someone on WhatsApp simply means that you’re blocking someone from every kind of interaction with you over WhatsApp. Any message, call, or status update sent by the blocked person will never be delivered to you.
And, your last seen, status updates, online activity, and any changes made to your profile will not be visible to the contact you’ve blocked.
To protect the privacy of the users WhatsApp never notifies the blocked contact about it. But, it’s not really difficult for the blocked contact to understand if he/she is being blocked. Here are the simple methods to find out if someone blocked you on WhatsApp.
That’s all. Now, anytime if you wish to report or block someone on WhatsApp, I hope there won’t be any kind of confusion. I’m sure you can now decide whether to report a contact or simply block it because you’re all aware of what actually happens if you report and block someone on WhatsApp.